HotelDruid Hosting for Resellers


Reseller Account Login


Reseller Account Conditions

 If you are a webmaster or you must manage many sites it can be convenient opening a reseller account. From the reseller area it is possible to create new HotelDruid hosting accounts easily and at a discounted price. In addition it is possible to manage all accounts in a centralized form.

 The final client will not have to be aware of DigitalDruid.Net in any moment, as you can customize the HotelDruid and webspace URLs. The HotelDruid login page can also be customized with eventual links to external sites. Moreover, given that HotelDruid is open source, it will be possible in any moment to transfer the service to another hosting without letting the final users be aware of it.

 You can open a reseller account paying a fixed annual fee, for subscrptions and informations write to